Set against the backdrop of cross-border insolvency, Look-Chan Ho and Tiffany Chan delivered an insightful contemplation of the concept of modified universalism at a course organised by Lex Ominbus.
Braided with a multitude of landmark cases, including Re China Solar Energy Holdings Limited, Re CW Advanced Technologies, and China Medical Technologies Inc v Samson Tsang Tak Yung, the insolvency specialists presented their seminar before a lively audience of about 50 people on 23 August 2019.
Developments in modified universalism since A Co v B Co [ 2014] 4 HKLRD 374 have given way to a changing panorama of case law. These notable advancements – which may give rise to further evolution of the law in the future – merited discussion.
The talk was anchored by a consideration of the following areas
- The Hong Kong Court’s jurisdiction to wind up foreign companies;
- Recognition and assistance of foreign insolvency proceedings in Hong Kong; and
- Cross-border restructuring and the restructuring powers of provisional liquidators.
The presentation was warmly received and incisive questions were posed in the Q&A session which followed the presentation.