News & Events

Challenges and Opportunities for Young Arbitrators (Conference) – 8 April

20 Mar 2019

DVC’s William Wong SC and Richard Leung JP will be speaking at the upcoming CIArb Conference on 8 April 2019.

The conference poses the question: what are some of the Challenges & Opportunities for Young Arbitrators in today’s landscape?

With the double barrelled implementation of third party funding in Hong Kong and the Belt & Road initiative on the horizon – it is likely that many deadlocked parties will turn to HK as a seat for arbitration. William and Richard will provide an overview of how third party funding has brought about greater clarity and transparency in line with other progressive jurisdictions – and the opportunities that can be leveraged as a result. They will also spotlight the challenges and opportunities that will likely give rise to a surge in arbitrations following the inevitable and unavoidable disputes that will eventuate under the Belt & Road Initiative.

For more about the Conference please click here