On 26 April 2018, DVC’s Richard Leung JP and Tommy Cheung delivered an enlightening seminar on minority shareholders’ rights to an audience from The Hong Kong Chartered Institute of Secretaries made up of counsel and accountants. Richard and Tommy examined various weapons minority shareholders could deploy for countering and/or checking against oppression by the majority, including the frequently utilised derivative actions, just and equitable winding-up petitions and unfair prejudice petitions, as well as less drastic methods such as requisitions for general meetings and inspections of books and records.
The key message delivered was that a minority shareholder should clearly identify his objective, and select the appropriate method(s) to serve that desired purpose, taking into account the structure of the company and the dynamics between the shareholders. The seminar was an engaging one with many thought-provoking exchanges between the speakers and the audience.
For more on this topic, please see Unfair Prejudice and Shareholders’ Winding-Up presented by DVC’s Yang-Wahn Hew and Stephanie Wong.

Riding on the success of the CPD seminar on insolvency law, Richard and Tommy held another well-attended CPD seminar on competition law on 10 July 2018. This time, Richard and Tommy provided a succinct and lively introduction to Hong Kong competition law, as well as an update on the competition law decisions decided since the Competition Ordinance (Cap 619) has came into effect. They also critically examined the implementation of the Ordinance, and suggested ways to enhance its effectiveness. The seminar concluded with a very interesting Q&A session as well as tips on how undertakings and their legal advisors could work together to ensure due compliance with the Ordinance.
To view more updates in the Competition domain, click here for Reflections on Competition Law in Hong Kong and the UK and EU – brought to you by DVC’s Catrina Lam, Paul Harris QC (Monckton Chambers) & David Chu (Proskauer Rose).